
“JFE Shoji Electronics Contributes to the “Realization of a Sustainable Society””

JFE Shoji Electronics is pursuing ways to contribute to our customers and suppliers in Japan and overseas, as well as to the market and society, by creating and providing new values. We are implementing a variety of initiatives through our business to contribute to the “realization of a sustainable society.”

Initiatives of JFE Shoji Group

The JFE Shoji Group, of which we are a part, aims to contribute to the “realization of a sustainable society” while addressing ESG issues by promoting businesses focusing on sustainability in order to achieve sustainable development and growth together with our customers, the JFE Group, and other stakeholders.

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Our Initiatives for SDGs

Goals for Contributing Through Corporate Activities

  • Gender equality
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Responsible consumption, production
  • Climate action
  • Life on land
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Partnerships for the goals

Goals for Contributing Through Businesses

  • Good health and well-being
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Industry, innovation, infrastructure
  • Life on land

What are SDGs?


The SDGs adopted by the United Nations in 2015 stand for “Sustainable Development Goals” that should be achieved globally by 2030. They are composed of 17 goals and 169 targets. It is an initiative to realize a sustainable and better society where “no one is left behind.”

Goals for Contributing Through Corporate Activities

Proactive Promotion of Advancement of Women and Support for Raising Next-generation Children

Gender equalityReduced inequalities

In order to proactively promote the advancement of women, we have established an Action Plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, which includes numerical targets for the advancement of female employees and initiation targets to achieve them, and are working to receive certification (Eruboshi certification) by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

In addition, in order to assist and support employees in balancing work and child-rearing, we have established an Action Plan for work and child-rearing based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, and are working to receive certification (Kurumin certification) by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Initiatives for Conflict Mineral Issues

Responsible consumption, productionPeace, justice and strong institutions

Some of the minerals produced in conflict areas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries may become the source of funds for armed groups. It is our policy not to use “conflict minerals” that cause serious human rights violations and environmental damage in mining them. We are also implementing various activities to promote this policy.

Product Management Based on the Guideline for the Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products

Responsible consumption, production

We manage chemical substances contained in the products we handle (chemical substances in products) based on the Guideline for the Management of Chemical Substances in Products.

The Guideline for the Management of Chemical Substances in Products summarizes key points for the management of chemical substances contained in products in an organization to ensure that information on chemical substances is appropriately and reliably transferred throughout the supply chain.

Obtaining of Sony Green Partner

Responsible consumption, productionPartnerships for the goals

We obtained the Green Partner Environmental Quality Certification from Sony Corporation.

With this independently-established system, Sony Corporation, which is taking initiatives to realize a sustainable society through environmentally friendly products and services, provides the Green Partner certification to suppliers who meet the Sony Technical Standard: SS-00259 Management Regulations for the Environment-Related Substance to be Controlled which are Included in Parts and Materials.

Click here for details of Sony Green Partners

Various approaches for Internal DX

Responsible consumption, productionClimate actionLife on land

We are implementing various approaches to achieve SDGs and realize a sustainable society through our business since we believe it is essential to go beyond digitization and promote a more comprehensive internal DX.

Paperless Internal Documents

We are switching the internal payment system from a conventional paper-based style to using electronic files in order to reduce the use of paper resources and improve the efficiency of work that was cumbersome.

In addition to paperless approaches to save resources, we are also contributing to the achievement of SDGs by implementing Work Style Reform through such internal operational improvements.

Initiative for RPA

As part of our efforts to reform work styles and achieve internal DX, we are actively introducing RPA. Introduction of RPA reduces unnecessary man-hours and frees employees from monotonous, simple tasks, which improves the motivation of our employees.

Systemization of Telework (telecommuting)

As part of the Work Style Reform that recognizes diverse work styles, we have established a teleworking (telecommuting) system. Telework allows diverse work styles regardless of location and time, and is expected to reduce the number of employees resigning due to childcare or nursing care.

Goals for Contributing Through Businesses

Promotion and Sales of Hydrocarbon-based Cleaning Equipment

Clean water and sanitationGood health and well-beingResponsible consumption, production

The Cleaning Process Business provides solutions and offers industrial cleaning equipment that uses hydrocarbon-based and aqueous solvents that have no impact on the human body (risk-free) and are environmentally friendly. Through this, we support companies that are aiming to improve their cleaning process environment and protect the health of their operators.

Promoting the Conversion to Smart Factories Through DX of Images

Industry, innovation, infrastructure

The Smart Factory Business provides solutions for “DX of images to convert to smart factory” where images in a factory are not only used for viewing but are also used as data.

This enables, for example, remote operation of multiple plants by a small number of skilled engineers. We provide solutions to achieve new work styles and improve job satisfaction for skilled engineers.

Solutions using AI Irrigation and Fertilization Robot ZeRo.agri

Good health and well-beingIndustry, innovation, infrastructureLife on land

The EMS Business handles the development and manufacturing of the AI Irrigation and Fertilization Robot ZeRo.agri of Rootrek Networks, Inc. that realizes high yield, high quality, and labor-saving in agriculture using IoT technology and AI.

ZeRo.agri is a control system that uses ICT and AI technology to automate optimal irrigation and fertilization based on soil sensor values. It enables effective use of water resources, prevention of soil contamination, and labor-saving in agriculture, which is facing a labor shortage. ZeRo.agri received the grand prize in the product and technology category of the Low CO2 Kawasaki Brand for FY2021 certified by Kawasaki City.

Development of Non-contact, Non-destructive Inspection with Drone-mounted Radar

Industry, innovation, infrastructure

In cooperation with Osaka University, we are currently developing, a non-contact, non-destructive inspection system for high structures using ultra-broadband radar technology that can be mounted on drones.

This enables visualization of conditions of the interior of high structures that have been difficult to inspect. It is expected to contribute to the achievement of SDGs by resolving the issue of labor shortages for inspection and repair, and by improving the economy, efficiency, and safety of inspection work.

Development of Power Consumption Reduction IC

Affordable and clean energy

We support our business partners in reducing power consumption by proposing their low-power technologies to be used in IC development and production.

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